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Jason Olson Perturbal, more likely known as jperturbal on various platforms such as Youtube or Soundcloud, makes music influenced by Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, and other artists from the electronic scene.
For music production, I use programs such as Reaper, Renoise, Pure Data, Supercollider, Audacity, and Composer's Desktop Project. You can find me on some of their forums.
I'm trying to make music everyday, regardless if it's a whole song or a tiny sample.

What I know about some stuff


I've used this program before, back when I wanted to start making music. If right now you're as lost as I was trying to find a free (and hopefully good) DAW on the internet back a few years ago, then Reaper is a pearl. I feel like it's not as known as FL Studio or Ableton, and it technically makes sense, but god this is insanely great for a beginner. I think it's pretty easy to get used to the UI and everything, pretty simple to understand. Three things you gotta know before getting it is that first, they have a license where they let you choose to pay or not, so you still can use it perfectly fine with all the features it has without having to pay for it. Second is that they don't include much vsts, compared to Ableton or FL Studio, so you gotta have a list ready of free ones, and then lastly I wish they had a slicer sampler like what FL has, something like slicex. It's pretty difficult to find some alternatives so I prefer to do my drums on a tracker like Renoise.

FL Studio

No wonder why people like it so much. It just feels good to fiddle around with. They not only offer you a bunch of very good instruments and effects, as well as a bunch of samples. You know that on this program it's way more focalized on the sampling side of things. You could get around with it pretty easily too, maybe not as much as Reaper, but it's well enough, also great for a beginner. It was pretty slow for me to do the switch between the two programs but it's okay.


I wish I had more time to play with it. If you told me there was a rhodes vst with it, I would've bought it a long time ago already. It is really really good, they have a lot of different synthesizers, lots of effects that are really good for drums, but I feel like this program might frighten some beginner at first because of how cryptic some stuff looks. The UI is slick, nice and clean, but you gotta have some experience before using this hell of a machine.


Do you know about trackers? Music trackers, cause it's a whole new damn world. It's like a sort of niche? But it's really good. Looks complicated though, and it is! But go dive into that world if you're not a fan of DAWs and want something more old, retro. Renoise is like a tracker from today. It supports VSTs, has some effects, the demo is nice too. I found it pretty versatile for drum splicing, which trackers are also good for, at least like OctaMED or ProTracker.

Pure Data

So what is all that pure data thing? A visual programing software, that uses blocks to make a whole buncha stuff. Maybe an FM synth, maybe a complex drum machine, or an algorithm that generates a whole song. When you think about it, it just is like eurorack synths, connect modules with a buncha cables. I've heard that Rich some other software that goes along the same lines as Pd, Supercollider.


Goes along the same lines as pure data, a programming language. I'm also trying to learn this, looks a bit hard though.


What the hell do you want me to talk about? It's just good, like the only amazing open-source free recording program everyone uses. Don't pay for shit, I tell you.

Update: Audacity has been bought by some company I don't know about, apparently there are other "clones" of it by it's creators out there, like Tenacity. I'll take a look at it.

Don't pay for shit?

Yeah. There's always going to be good alternatives to everything. You can work around anything. And if you don't find your happiness with the free stuff out here, might as well just pirate shit. Make powerful tools at least cheap, at best free and open-source, because you shouldn't put a damn paywall in front of someone who's just trying to get creative. Hell, it's why Blender works. It's why Godot works.

List of good and free vsts, just for you.

Name By who? Instrument/Effect Specifically what? What do I have to say? Is it free?
TAL NoiseMaker TAL Software GmbH Instrument Synth Very good if you want to get into synth stuff. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Spitfire LABS Spitfire Audio Instrument Sample library Insanely big library for either cinematic stuff or more general stuff. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Decent Sampler Decent Samples Instrument Sample library Big sample library made by randos. Usually with uncommon or specific instruments. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Charlatan 2.0 BlauKraut Engineering Instrument Synth Very good if you already are a bit familliar with synths. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Synth1 Daichi Laboratory Instrument Synth Very good if you want a tiny more complex synth. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Wave Breaker Press Play Effect Limiter Good at what it’s supposed to do. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
TDR Molotok Tokyo Dawn Labs Effect Compressor Also good at what it’s supposed to do. Basically the only one I could get around with. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Sweep Lese Effect Weird phaser thing? It’s nice to have on hi-hats! OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Maim Wildergarden Audio Effect Low quality audio simulator it's funny OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Krush Tritik Effect Bitcrusher You can get interesting sounds with it. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Inner Pitch Auburn Sounds Effect Pitch shifter The only free pitch shifter I could find. It’s not even that good, I use it if I have to lightly tune instruments. Kinda.
Fire Wings Music Effect Distortion A lot of different distortion pedal emulators. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Empy Wildergarden Audio Effect Low quality audio simulator it’s funny (please use those instead to Krush if you wanna immitate shit quality audios. It’s way better at it.) OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Emergence Daniel Gregely Effect Granular effect It’s nice to have if you wanna create interesting textures. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
Deelay Sixth Sample Effect Delay Best delay out there, you got a lot of options. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
codec Lese Effect Low quality audio simulator it's funny OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
BYOD Chowdhury DSP Effect "Build Your Own Distortion" I only use it for the Lofi IRs it offers, because they sound realistic. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
ValhallaFreqEcho Valhalla DSP Effect Weird delay with pitch modification Very interesting delay! It feels like that one weird effect on OP-1s called “COW” OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE
dblue_Stretch illformed Effect Timestretch Record everything you do when you fiddle with it. It gets interesting. OF COURSE THEY ALL ARE

Honourable mention: Kilohearts plugins "Essentials", like it says, they got everything you need. EVERYTHING (It's not like special delay or anything, it's like the bare minimum. Haas effect, distortion, bitcrush, pitch shifter and more. They also have other paid plugins.)

Aphex Twin

Huh? RDJ? Aphex Twin? Who's that? It's an Irish-British IDM composer, a pioneer of his time. I was born a year after Drukqs came out, what a banger. He'll start making music at around 14 years old if I'm not wrong, being the DJ at some raves I think, and release albums like Selected Ambient Works 85-92, which I have on vinyl, SAW Vol.II, then go on some more weirder stuff like the Richard D. James Album, ...I Care Because You Do, I think it's my favorite of em all, then Come To Daddy, those were his peak times with the Windowlicker EP too, then Drukqs, then come back 13 years later with Syro. He releases EPs from time to time, Collapse EP, insanely good, he released recently BBLR suprizingly great, kinda like the child of the previous one, and some other stuff like Cheetah EP, Donkey Rhubarb, Girl/Boy EP, etc... You might think that with all of that it's already a lot but he has not finished at all cause he got a bunch of other aliases, I'll let you find them by yourself. He's simply a legend that's hopefully still alive, he's like more than 50 years old. And that's how I started getting into IDM and generally electronic stuff. Then I got to know Squarepusher, then Autechre, µ-Ziq, and some more in the future. He might scare you at first with his grinning face, but don't be afraid. That's also how I got to know about CDP!


What a funny name. You definitely won't know about them, but today's your lucky day cause you'll discover one more artist that you should listen to (at least if you like drum n bass and also jungle)! I found them on youtube, they were showing some music they've made on a tracker! All of that got me interested, so I subscribed to them. Few months later, they started growing a Spotify, releasing more and more stuff. I took a listen recently and my god is it sometimes beautiful. It's that good, you won't regret it. I specifically downloaded a windows port of ProTracker so that I could listen directly to the module files they had put up online. They deserve a lot of visibility and recognition for what they make.


His stuff is really awesome. I didn't listen to his whole discography yet, but from the multiple EPs and albums I listened to, the mix between jazz and electronic feels so good. Sometimes it's a mix of the two, sometimes it's gonna be pure acid, and sometimes it's going to be some weird acoustic experimental shit. Most of the times I prefer when it's a mix of the two genres, big fan of Feed Me Weird Things, some tracks just feel right to be considered "electronic jazz" (Like Windscale 2, GOD I LOVE THIS TRACK SO MUCH.) Go take a listen!

Car Music

Wtf is car music? It's a very specific feeling I have with some songs. It's like driving a car at night, a car that bounces to the bpm of the song. I can talk about Fenix Funk 5 and My Red Hot Car all day because of the fact that they're in the "car music" genre of mine.

Web 1.0

I like all this hosting service. It's very reminiscent of the old whimsical web there was back when it was first made. It's pure customization here. They offer you other services for the ones who don't know how to code in html and css so that your website looks how you want it to look like.

Composer's Desktop Project

This thing is amazing. Once again, it's a free program. What does it do? It processes sound with a wide variety of effects, and spectral effects. I've heard about it on a Benn Jordan video talking about the shitload amount of softwares that rdj uses for his stuff. It's theorized that this one was used to make Bucepahlus Bouncing Ball. I use the Soundshaper gui but I think I can easily get around the original version of this amazing program.

What I've made recently

This one's a silly one. Sounds like Deep Fried Pizza in some way. I also really like how the bass sounds here.


This is a 7-voices drone sythesizer I built on Pure Data.

A video on my early stuff with pure data. I followed a few tutorials before this. I'll learn more in the future. Expect computer generated songs in the times to come.

I like what I've made yesterday. Decided to upload it. Had to learn a bit of PD to make the visualizer, wasn't very difficult.


jperturbal · thetussWIPdrummachine (0001)
jperturbal · amenWIP (0005)
jperturbal · dronesynthv7pd1 (0000+0001w/verb)


Name Last updated First created Programs compatible with Filesize Description
dronesynth7.pd 27/06/24 25/06/24 Pure Data 4.69Kb A 7 voice drone synthesizer with 3 frequency ranges (0-250Hz/250-750Hz/750-1500Hz)

Extra Blabla

Last updated First created Description
30/08/2024 30/08/2024 Big computer had a liver failure, and little computer had a stroke.
06/09/2024 06/09/2024 Full Rinse - Squarepusher (44 rpm to 33 1/3 rpm and amplified silence)

Sweet websites list

Link Author's Description "всем здарова я тапок 28 2008 это мой крутой сайт я ютьюбер кстати йоу" "Личный сайт BitByByte." "Подслушано Геленджик " "Admin's website. Working on" "Простой сайт от простого человека. ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ СТИЛЯ САЙТА!" "Cool website, русский and english language. Software, pictures, search, RSS, VCR sounds." "w01te's personal web-site" No description No description No description "Gamma World Portal" No description No description No description "Політ - проект багатозадачної віконної оболонки DOS. Цілі проекта - зручність використання і легкість програмування, компактність і швидкість, невибагливість до техніки." "Теория и практика схемотехники" No description "The JAMs place in Runet" "I praise myself (o˘◡˘o)ノ*:・゚✧ poing poing....."

I don't know what most of these say, because I haven't learned much russian.

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