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Two days ago, I lost my main work computer. I fried the motherboard by spilling a single droplet on the outlet in which the computer was plugged in. Don't ask me how I spilled that bottle though, I guess I got scared by something and the bottle got scared too.

Now's a great time to talk about this other computer, this laptop I mainly use for all the jperturbal related stuff. Haven't used in a while, actually.

Back a few weeks ago, I almost lost this one. One day, at my grandparent's, after trying to install some very old pc-rom racing games grandpa had lent me, the computer refused to cooperate with me anymore and got stuck in a loop trying to do a diagnostic of the machine, because something happened I guess.

I like how windows gives you the option to restore the whole computer without touching your personal document, but they only let you do that if you remember your account password. Which one is it, you may ask? The Microsoft one? The super secret login password? Nothing? "0000"? No matter which one we tried, it didn't work, so we had to try and figure out other ways to fix it.

One way was trying to see what's happening in the console, but looks like Windows 10 doesn't let you do that cause they love their logo so much they force you to see it, hiding the console. Oh well.

One other way was trying to boot it up with some other drive, but it looks like the BIOS doesn't let you do that, actually it doesn't let you do a lot of things, it's insanely garbage on this one computer, interesting.

So the last thing we had is trying to recover it with an automatic save, which apparently worked with an external sacrificial USB stick. Nice.

Everything was then recovered, I was happy, and life goes on. But what surprised me the most was how little options they give you on this one machine. It's not that bad on my main computer. Weird.

What about the main big computer now? Well, after checking up if it wasn't something else, like the alimentation, or the memory that was fucking up the whole thing, dad told me that it was the motherboard that was cooked. It's an old motherboard, a very old one. Before the computer was running Windows 10, it was running Windows 7. So we tried to find the motherboard model on Amazon, praying it was still existing, ordered it, and now for today we wait.